Ever since Facebook announced the release of their Messenger Bots platform at their most recent F8 conference, brands have been falling all over themselves in an [...]
Pinterest recently announced the ability to target ads based on what companies know about their customers - here’s what you need to know about promoting Pins with these new [...]
Social media may be best known for hosting selfies and light-hearted status updates, but in various applications, social media is saving lives every day.
Are you using Gmail to it's full potential? This infograohic outlines some of the apps key benefits and features that you may not have even known existed.
Live-streaming via Periscope is a great way to work with the wider trends of both social interaction and video content. Here are some tips on how you can use Periscope to best effect for your business.
In a new episode of the 'All the Social Ladies' podcast, Carrie Kerpen speaks with Dawn Wayt, the former Director of Marketing and Head of Social Media at American Greetings.
Pokemon GO has been a phenomenon unlike any we've seen for some time, and brands are looking to get in on the action. Here are some tips on how your business can get involved.